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公司簡介Company Profile

東莞市凱格精機股份有限公司(GKG Precision Machine Co., Ltd.)是一家專注于高端精密自動化裝備的研發、生產、銷售以及工藝方案的提供商,國家高新技術企業。公司旗下擁有精密錫膏印刷設備事業部、高速精密點膠設備事業部、精密封裝設備事業部、柔性制造系統事業部。









GKG Precision Machine Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise specializing on the R&D, production, sales, and process solutions of high-end precision automation equipment. The company has a division of precision solder paste printing equipment, a division of high-speed precision dispensing equipment, a division of precision packaging equipment, and a division of flexible manufacturing system.  


Our products are exported to more than 50 countries and regions overseas, and our brand "GKG" has been registered as a trademark in more than 70 countries globally. The precision solder paste printing equipment researched and developed by our company has taken the lead in the market. GKG is one of the few Chinese companies with global competitiveness and influence in the precision automation equipment industry.


Company vision: Aspire to become the most competitive manufacturer and service provider of precision automation equipment!


Company value: Excellent quality is the foundation of value and dignity, satisfying customers is the source of innovation and development.


Company spirit: Innovation, resilience, unity.

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